
shit. guys who are following my cousin @turnoffthelightsnow i want you to know this. If she starts acting pretty depressed then dont worry [well do worry because she'll probably do something stupid]. In exactly two weeks is her former best friend's birthday. I'm saying former for a reason. He died in a plane crash 3 years ago. This guy, Ollie, was extremely special to her. They both looked up to eachother and had literally everything in common. When he died my cousin lost ALL hope in her. I'm not even kidding. Whenever she did something wrong [even a spelling mistake] she would always put herself down for it. It was so painful to see. Whenever it gets to either the anniversary of his death or his birthday, my cousin gets super emotional and has a LOT of moodswings. So yeah. If she does something stupid or puts out any suicidal statuses I want you guys to shower her in love.
          Message done >3>


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Alex delete this now. You can't go around telling people about my life story and how fucking stupid I am.