
Now with a new chapter to the Kronii book out. You may be asking the question; Why? Why was this my choice.
          	Because in the end, I saw it as a simple answer. Yes, the Mumei book had a lot more views and had more demands on polls than the Kronii book. But what pulled me to make this decision was one thing.
          	Genuine passion.
          	Here's the difference between the comments I got from each side.
          	"You really should make a book because there aren't enough of them here and I really want to see the way you write up such a story."
          	"There aren't enough books done for Kronii, so I'd say go with that!"
          	"I loved the Prologue!"
          	"I'm hooked!"
          	"10/10 story."
          	"You're cooking bro." (Idk what this means but I'll take it.)
          	"This is so good, I'm really excited to see how this continues."
          	"You should make a Mumei book."
          	I guess you can see where I'm coming from. The people who wanted a Kronii story had genuine feedback on the chapter released and gave good reasons as to why they want to see it and when I did my own research, it was infact true. I couldn't find a solid enough story for Kronii or enough to outweigh Mumei's.
          	So yeah! That's how it came to be and I delivered as such. 
          	(By the way, a few chapters are already made and ready to publish but I'm keeping distance between uploads on purpose.)


@ThePotat420 you missed a part of the comments about the Mumei fic:
          	  Though that was probably just me simping over her... 


Now with a new chapter to the Kronii book out. You may be asking the question; Why? Why was this my choice.
          Because in the end, I saw it as a simple answer. Yes, the Mumei book had a lot more views and had more demands on polls than the Kronii book. But what pulled me to make this decision was one thing.
          Genuine passion.
          Here's the difference between the comments I got from each side.
          "You really should make a book because there aren't enough of them here and I really want to see the way you write up such a story."
          "There aren't enough books done for Kronii, so I'd say go with that!"
          "I loved the Prologue!"
          "I'm hooked!"
          "10/10 story."
          "You're cooking bro." (Idk what this means but I'll take it.)
          "This is so good, I'm really excited to see how this continues."
          "You should make a Mumei book."
          I guess you can see where I'm coming from. The people who wanted a Kronii story had genuine feedback on the chapter released and gave good reasons as to why they want to see it and when I did my own research, it was infact true. I couldn't find a solid enough story for Kronii or enough to outweigh Mumei's.
          So yeah! That's how it came to be and I delivered as such. 
          (By the way, a few chapters are already made and ready to publish but I'm keeping distance between uploads on purpose.)


@ThePotat420 you missed a part of the comments about the Mumei fic:
            Though that was probably just me simping over her... 


Here are some interesting stuff I thought I'd share here! Think of it as "scrapped content" or things that didn't make it into the final cut of the "An Assassin?" story:
          - During the final chapters of the story, Holo-Fantasy was going to make an entrance to save Myth as Jay's "back up plan" but it felt too out of nowhere for my liking.
          - The Fuwamoco Twins were going to meet up with The Maid Twins at some point in a random one shot but I was so sick during that time that I just angrily scrapped it because I knew I wouldn't make good stuff in that mindset and that idea simply got lost to time.
          - Atlantis initially wasn't going to be part of the story at all. I just came up with the concept as I was writing chapter: Deliver. Instead the entire story of Chapter 1 was going to be a cliche of Jay battling big baddies in the sidelines while the talents go on with their day without knowing any of it. Obviously, I found it to be a boring concept and scrapped it.
          - When the votes for picking which Holo mem was going to be the main interest for the story, I was personally going off the biased opinion and hoping that it would be Calli, so it definitely could have become something entirely different had I just chosen not to have people choose but I really liked how this story turned out anyway and enjoyed working on it.


Can I ask when is there going to be an update for the Acheron x Mumei fic... I'm kinda interested....


@ThePotat420 thank you for working on one book at a time and not stretching yourself cause that’s a big problem with wattpad creators


@GhostPhoenix330 I have explained this in my other Hololive book that I will only start working on the next books when after I've completed "An Assassin" and it also depends on which book gets the most feedback because I have posted two stories. The Mumei one and Kronii one.


Here's a fun thought, since we've reached a steady point in "An Assassin" I've also been working on my other mentioned books in the background. They've come to a point where the first chapter of each are complete and so I wanted to ask. If I were to post one of the two and only post the first chapter as a teaser until our story is finished. Which one would you like to see?
          Mumei or Kronii's?


Mommy kronini 


Can I point out that you’ve been going off with the updates recently? Because it’s been consistent and good length and honestly I’m really happy about it


@PotatoMan5612_alt I'm glad to hear that! I've just been having recent bursts of motivation. Just hoping it stays for a while longer!




@OwOhentai next chapter will be out when it's done. That's my moto.


very understandable, but can you give an estimation on when you'll update your holo life fic,


@OwOhentai Ah funny thing is. I don't really have one, it usually just depends on my mood or time when I upload a chapter, sometimes I might just post the very next day of a release or it might take a week or so.