
Just a quick sort of notice ladies and gents, I've  got my A-Level exams over the next few weeks so my story is going to be put on hold for a little while :P

          Here's the new chapter of the book, I would highly appreciate it if you read it and let me know the mistakes I made, or you any suggestion that you, personally, would like to see being added in the future chapters
          DardanQerkini1996, over and out

          Here's the new chapter of the book, I would highly appreciate it if you read it and let me know the mistakes I made, or you any suggestion that you, personally, would like to see being added in the future chapters
          DardanQerkini1996, over and out


Yo! Just want to make sure I keep you guy's updated on the progress of my story so far. There's been a few hiccups as I've had to go back and edited stuff from previous parts of the story, the biggest thing being adding a whole new character lol. I realized I actually needed to have him appear earlier in the story than I initially thought sooo... yeh.
          I'll be happy when the first part of my story is done cause it means I won't have to go back and edit a bunch of stuff in post. Basically, this is just a message to say I'm still working on the story, but I just need to adjust a few things along the way. I'm a perfectionist at heart it seems :P


@Vector_120 i appreciate the support dude. Knowing people like you care about my work really means a lot. So thanks :]


Yo! To like the 3 people who read Iron soul, im so sorry this latest chapter has taken so long to come out! There's not even really a good reason for it. Well, I had exams ig, but I've been putting off writing anymore for months now. Regardless, the latest part of the story is out and I'll be back to working on the story a little more regularly :3


I like your story, continue making great chapters.


@ThePokemonBro Let the story reach new heights. 


@Writinglover1248 Thank you for the vote of confidence. I'm sure it'll gain traction soon enough 


@ThePokemonBro It is a comparativly new story so wait for some time many people will read it.