
So it’s 2019 and I still haven’t updated anything....see this week I have finals and the next week I have new classes. So I’ve been thinking after these two weeks are done, I’ll update something hopefully.... Not going to promise anything! But look forward to that I guess?


So it’s 2019 and I still haven’t updated anything....see this week I have finals and the next week I have new classes. So I’ve been thinking after these two weeks are done, I’ll update something hopefully.... Not going to promise anything! But look forward to that I guess?


Okay, so over the past year, I've notice that I have been well not writing as much. I have so many ideas I want to share, but every time I  write it feels like something i restraining me from reaching my fullest potential. I remember when I first started on this website, I was excited to write and share my ideas. But now it feels draining. Of course I still love writing, but it doesn't have the same spark as before. I realise I've forgotten whats it is like to write freely. With a looming deadline I feel trap and force to write. I feel as if I'm a  robot being forced on and off. I love writing 1-C, but the stress of making each and every chapter is draining my creativity. I want to continue writing 1-C, but I keep on remembering why I wanted to create a profile in the first place. To write original stories and not fanfictions.  So I've decided I'm taking a break from 1-C. I have no idea when I'll continue 1-C, just remember I haven't given up on it like all the others stories I tried to make. 
          On a slightly better note, I'll be working on my " Secret project". As you've noticed I have unpublished several stories only 1-C and Adopted by Ldshadowlady remains, mostly because so many people enjoy them, i don't want to take it away from people. String of Hope on the other hand, despite being rewritten I still notice something is lacking from it. So I've decided to unpublish that as well. Now my "secret project" is something I've been working on, due to me wanting to return back to enjoying writing. I seem to have a problem of creating something then ignoring it.  But I don't want this to continue to happen again and again. It mostly linked to me working on many projects at once. So I've decided to work on one story at a time. And that story just so happens to be my "Secret Project". 
          So yeah, 
          Look for my "Secret Project" and 1-C chapter 12 something in the next year.


          I was wondering if you know of anyone or yourself who writes fanfictions for
          7 - Twilight (M)
          5 - Game of Thrones (S)
          4 - True Blood (S)
          3 - Descendants 1&2 (M)
          1 - Vampire Academy (M)
          2 - Diabolik Lovers (A)
          2 - Snow White with the Red Hair (A)
          2 - Kamisama Kiss (A) 
          4 - Gokusen  (D)
          4 - The Wallflower (A)
          1 - The 100 (S)
          1 - The Boy (M)
          5 - Shadowhunters (S)
          Shows (S) or Movies (M) or Anime (A) or Dramas (D)
          The # is the amount is the amount of ideas i have for each,


            No I don’t actually know anyone who writes any of them. I also don’t write them.


When you procrastinate hard and your editor wants you to update
          *sips some tea*
          You always get spammed in messages and comments XD
          I'll update people. But writers block ain't going to remove itself yah know?
          Plus I update when I'm finish with a story.