
Hey guys! The third chapter of The Buried Past is now out, after some time. I would also like your input and comments on my recent chapter because I am somewhat unsure of where I want to go. I mean, I know how the story will flow but I am lost in the in-between of my story. I really hope you guys like it!
          	Here's a link to my book ->
          	Thanks, guys!


Hey guys! The third chapter of The Buried Past is now out, after some time. I would also like your input and comments on my recent chapter because I am somewhat unsure of where I want to go. I mean, I know how the story will flow but I am lost in the in-between of my story. I really hope you guys like it!
          Here's a link to my book ->
          Thanks, guys!


Guess what?
          I can't stop writing poetry (even though they suck... :D) so I made another book called Bridge to the Past, where I try (keyword: TRY) to focus on the idea of 'memories'. I'd really appreciate if you take a look at some of the new poems I had published.
          Thanks a lot! :)


@TheObscureAuthor Poems are always nice to write. I'll take a look at it ^-^


          At the moment, I am facing writer's block for SIMPLY HUMAN. But don't worry, if you're into poetry, you'll be just fine with THOUGHTS I SHOULD HAVE SAID. There's plenty of poems for you to read. 
          Speaking of poems, I have written WHISPERS OF THE WIND, THE SPEAKING ERASER, FIREWORKS: MEMORIES, and EVEREST'S PRIDE for THOUGHTS I SHOULD HAVE SAID (that's 4 NEW poems!). I post irregularly when it comes to poetry: it's because inspiration hits you when you least expect it (?). 
          Tomorrow is Thursday, and I am stuck with the next poem I'm going to write... what happens now when Ethan meets this new girl after going mad? I honestly don't know and I'll let you know when I figure it out. The second (maybe third?) chapter of MY FAMILY will come soon, I promise... let me just figure out how to finish it... 
          But anyway, I hope you enjoy the newly-written poems in THOUGHTS I SHOULD HAVE SAID and looks like we'll have to wait for the others soon... :P


          There are A LOT of new chapters for all the books! There are new poems and proses in THOUGHTS I SHOULD HAVE SAID, Serendipity has been published in SIMPLY HUMAN, Chapter 1 of MY FAMILY has also been published and the second chapter is on its way soon! 
          New poems and proses for THOUGHTS I SHOULD HAVE SAID and SIMPLY HUMAN will be coming soon (new poems every Thursday for SIMPLY HUMAN and whenever I am inspired for THOUGHTS I SHOULD HAVE SAID)
          Check them out here:
          SIMPLY HUMAN -
          MY FAMILY -