
You know, Iā€™ve always wondered what the Moon would taste like. I mean, I know it probably tastes likeā€¦ well a rock, but, you never know - it could taste like a banana; no ones ever eaten the Moon before, you donā€™t know. 
          	Iā€™d be the first man to ever taste the Moon - I wouldnā€™t mind being remembered like that. Think about it; on my gravestone under all the yā€™know standard stuff, itā€™ll have ā€˜DEVOURER OF THE MOONā€™ now thatā€™s pretty sick if you ask me. 
          	P.S i donā€™t know why Iā€™m gonna post this, but I will and you canā€™t stop me




Crap, sorry Iā€™ve taken so long to reply - the other times where just because I type, like, really slow but now I just got distracted, sorry again. 
            Yeah, I figured, schools donā€™t really allow for many breaks - my school had one 20 minute and one 40 minute break. This is so sad, why must schools come in and wreck everything? Maybe you could try convincing you English teacher that the fanfics youā€™re writing, is like English homework since itā€™s basically like practice for Creative Writing? I mean I doubt itā€™ll work, but it might be worth a try. 
            āœŠdamn right 
            Ermā€¦ I dunno, just tell me about the one youā€™re most passionate about; the one you like most.


Well that's the thing: I don't get many breaks and the times I'm usually free is on the weekends or after school (if my teachers decide not to give me hw)
            Ah yes we are now boredom bros :D
            Also which fanfic are you talking about? I have several :) ...that I should probably pay more attention to-


Hell yeah, we can be boredom bros. Thatā€™s gotta be tough, Iā€™m sure your readers understand though; thing is with school that depending on the day it can feel so exhausting that you canā€™t even be asked to do anything when you get home. You could try doing it in your break times? If you donā€™t have any IRL friends, that is. 
            Whatā€™s your fanfic about?


You know, Iā€™ve always wondered what the Moon would taste like. I mean, I know it probably tastes likeā€¦ well a rock, but, you never know - it could taste like a banana; no ones ever eaten the Moon before, you donā€™t know. 
          Iā€™d be the first man to ever taste the Moon - I wouldnā€™t mind being remembered like that. Think about it; on my gravestone under all the yā€™know standard stuff, itā€™ll have ā€˜DEVOURER OF THE MOONā€™ now thatā€™s pretty sick if you ask me. 
          P.S i donā€™t know why Iā€™m gonna post this, but I will and you canā€™t stop me