
......................................................................................I unpublished everything cause i'm not proud of my work... sorry


Soooooooooo... yeah no, I ain't posting. I just haven't had the motivation to and my friend hasn't given me any information i need to start the new story so that's probably not going to happen. Apologies, though I am going to stop posting updates this isn't going to be the last you see me, I just need to figure out what i'm going to be doing. See Ya!


WHAT UP! It's ya boi! Coming at ya with a flying fist to the face! Jk. Anyway, due to the corona-virus, some of you may know that  GCSE's this year have been cancled/pushed back/postponed until further notice, which means I might not actually be able to do my GCSE's and considering it's the start of our isolation in the UK for schools, I'm pretty bummed as my year group may not have a prom or a proper leavers day. It was very sudden for us so most of use are in state of shock and the realization hasn't kicked in yet. As for my stories I've put updates on them telling you guys what will be happening with them and everything else. Though I didn't put on that I might not post considering the fact that I'm in a state of dismay right now because I hadn't had a proper farewell with my friends, and the way that I left felt emotionless. I'm not one for crying in front of my friends, but I felt like I should have, and I know I'm ranting but I need to get it out. I know I'll see them again, but it's just weird that I'll go to college and they wont be behind me(or in my case in front of me cause I'm always trailing behind them) I don't think they realize how important they are to me, and not just my friends from my year, but my friends from the years bellow me which helped me be myself. I guess I should end this rant and just remind you to check out the updates on my stories so you have an idea of what's in store for the future. And Alex, sorry I didn't come see you on the last day, I was just... in despair, confusion and shock, see you in the future when this blows over.


HEYA GUYS!! Quick update! I wont be posting anything for around 2 weeks from now as  i have my last mocks and I need to focus on that and not anything else. Either way I hope you are enjoying the Hogwarts story as I quite like it and thank you to who ever reads it, BYE!!!


I'm planning on making a new story, a harry potter story, i just don't know whether to make it follow the story line of the harry potter story (as theres so many of them and they are all similar) or make it so it's when James Potter, Lily Potter (Evens) are still in hogwarts as children. I have an idea in mind to make my oc and my friends oc in the story as the friends of the main protagonist and make some weird sh*t happen to them with the upcoming danger of adventure and such, but i also need my friends permission to use there oc and there opinion on it. I'll talk about it to her tomorrow . I don't know tell me what you think of the idea.


ok so you may or may not be wondering whats happening to my Minecraft Diaries story. Well it will be having slow updates mainly because i'm getting closer to my GCSE's and need to revise for them. I probably wont be posting anything from today 4/10 to 13/10 but then again I still might not after the 13th as don't really have any inspiration for the story. So if you have an idea for the story please write it in the comment section of the book so I can get inspired and continue it. Thank you.


So I haven't updated in a while, mainly because I don't enjoy the book I have written, the Aphmau fandom has died from my heart but could possibly come back again, though it's going to be hard to do so, I am mainly loving the supernatural fandom and avengers fandom but don't want to write about them. I am also not continuing the book and I might delete it. very sorry~Silver