
Yooooo!!! Guess who learned how to do SUBHARMONICS?! ME! It's friggin' COOL bro! I'm so proud of myself! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
          	FUN FACT: Freddie Mercury used subharmonics to add that "gravelly" sound to his voice in songs like A Kind Of Magic, Princes of the Universe, Another One Bites The Dust, and lots of other songs. Pretty rad, huh?


Yooooo!!! Guess who learned how to do SUBHARMONICS?! ME! It's friggin' COOL bro! I'm so proud of myself! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
          FUN FACT: Freddie Mercury used subharmonics to add that "gravelly" sound to his voice in songs like A Kind Of Magic, Princes of the Universe, Another One Bites The Dust, and lots of other songs. Pretty rad, huh?


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Why is it that EVERYONE I KNOW seems to have a bigger vocal range than me? Here my friends Sarah and Olivia are with FOUR FUCKING OCTAVES, and I'm stuck with just three... FREDDIE MERCURY HAD FOUR OCTAVES TOO :'( WHY CAN'T I BE AWESOME LIKE THEM?!?!?!


@ThatOneWeirdKid221B Bish you got a great vocal range. Don't worry about what others can do it will only bring you down. You have to focus on YOU and YOU alone. Don't worry about the vocal range, worry about the emotions you put into your voice when you sing. You have an amazing voice so no worries.


@ThatOneWeirdKid221B oh don't give me that bullcrap. You have a better range than most people in the world


Okay, guys, I know I've done this once or twice with other stories, but Within His Heart it gonna disappear off the face of the Earth for a hot second. I need to fix the plotline (more like, GIVE it a plotline ). I'm sorry for doing this, but y'all've gotta understand that I am a BIG TIME perfectionist. And this story could be seven million times better anyway! That's all I had to say. Now, go back to doin' whatever it was you were doin'!  I love you all! Muah!