
Hey, so this is REALLY embarrassing, but I actually just uploaded a video of me singing Demons In Disguise to my story, Brooke. It's SUPER cringy, but it was fun to record, sooooooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
          	Love ya!


Hey, so I just realized that all you poor lovelies who get notifications from me just got like seventeen thousand pop-ups. Sorry! 
          I had to fix something because I didn't like the way it flowed, but that caused me to add an entire new chapter in the beginning and fix all the numberings. Ugh. 
          Anyways, go check out Chapter Three - Demons In Disguise. It's not super important, but I really wanted to put it in there and I feel like it fits better in the beginning. 
          By the way, this book is pretty close to be finished. I'll probably stop around the time we hit twenty-five chapters, more or less. 


Hello, hello my dear children! I kinda disappeared again (writer's block, a new story I'm not posting, and some health issues), but I'm back now. I'm trying to relieve stress for the next few weeks, so I'm probably going to just work on editing Brooke. and maaaaaaybe bi-weekly updates? Like, Sunday and Wednesday? Or Friday? I dunno. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Aaaaaanyways, have a lovadovalee day! 


Oooooooookay so I've kinda gotten back to daily updates now because... Why not? So yeah. I'll try to update The Blind Girl's New Eyes at least five days a week and one of my other stories once a week. 
          By the way, I'm drinking the crappiest excuse for coffee I've ever seen. Someone save me. 
          -KC *muah*


HELLO. So, basically what's going on is I can't figure out the last poem for The Jumper so I've decided to move on to my next set for now. It's going to be called "Lovesick". Sounds pretty cliche but I love the simplicity of both the name and the title so I'm keeping it. I've changed the name of the whole book to "The Blind Girl's New Eyes" because it's now turning into a collection of collections of poems. That's fun to say. (I'm really tired for some reason so don't judge me right now.) Anyways, I hope you enjoy the first installment of this mini-series. It goes by "I Want To Spend Forever Near Dead, Ten Feet Back". Bye Loves!


Oh dear god, I'm so tired right now I forgot to title the chapter publishing it. Anyways, it's fixed now, which brings me to my next point. The Jumper is coming to a close and, since it's so much shorter than I'd expected, I'm probably just going to continue adding more books into it and make a collection. Did that even make sense? My brain hurts. You get the point, though, right? 


WOO-HOO! First chapter of Jessie's Girl is finally up! I really hope you guys like it because, though it's pretty short, I spent a lot of time doing research on Catholic lifestyle and, more importantly, showing you how hard it can be for some people to accept who they truly are. Anyways, thank you so, so, so much and I hope you love it as much as I do!


Been a while since I read 'Pretty Face'. Still as good as ever though. And that got me thinking, do you want to try writing another story again? Not romance. 'Saving Cinderella' was good, but key word: was. We'll probably continue it another day, but I digress. So do you want to collaborate on a story that's not romance or nah?
          P.S. Sorry to burst your bubble, but your probable excitement over this message thinking it's somebody else was wasted. Just little old me.


And why this is a public chat, I don't know.


Search up and read Dimension's Door. That's what prompted me to try another collaboration.


@CrimsonRibbon06 Hey! And yes, I was thoroughly disappointed. Congrats! Also, I'm totally judging you profile pic. Also, why is this a public chat? Also, thanks! Also, I realized I used "also" too much but I was too lazy to fix it and yeah. 
            So, yeah, I'd love to work on another story with you, but I have literally no ideas. You got anything?