So...somebody told me to fix my bio (ehm emily ehm) so yea.. I'm gonna tell you random crap about me!

I'm addicted to YouTube. No seriously, im on everyday...

I love these youtubers:





Shane Dawson

and hoiitsroi.

Mainly guys, I don't know why...?

I love Music.

And I love:


sleeping with sirens

imagine dragons

walk the moon

Florence + The Machine

of monsters and men

Lana Del Rey

All Disney songs

I am a if you couldn't already tell..

T.V shows I love:

Teen Wolf

Once upon a Time


Doctor who (I have a tiny crush on the 11th doctor, OK its not little...and its most likely unhealthy)

and the Big bANG theory

That's pretty much it

I have a cat. His name is Crazy Legs. Don't ask...

That's all you need to know.

mkay byyyeee!
  • second star to the right
  • انضمJanuary 7, 2013

الرسالة الأخيرة

قصص بقلم Kyla
10 قوائم قراءة