Hey everyone! We're TheFandomCentral. This is a multi-fandom account full of professional fangirls/boys! 

» @morganmarvel
hello! i'm morgan and most of my time consists of reading, watching netflix, listening to music, and watching youtube. my main fandoms are percy jackson and marvel!

~ @joshuawarrenwayd
*explodes into flames* HEY FANPEOPLE! I'm Josh (ok that was obvious), and I am a fanperson. YES, that is a word. I live in my head: reading, writing and doing basically anything fandom-ish :D

@Your_Queen_Of_Crazy - Hey! I'm Maria, and you can usually find me binge watching something on YouTube or Netflix, reading, or listening to music. I like pretty much everything and I'm always up for something new. (:

~ @earthtojackie
Call me Jackie, maker of memes and breaker if dreams. 112% nerd of any modern cartoon, if you've heard of it, the odds are I've already sold my soul to it *finger guns*

*puff of smoke* Hello People! I'm Neo. I am a major fantasy, and teen fiction lover. My current favourites are TOG, ACOTAR, ML and TMI.I am super crazy and throw myself unto everything (including my fandom's) so I don't have a main onbe, and will happily take recommendations for TV books and film. Neo out x

*appears out of the shadows* Hey guys! I'm Raven. I'm a fangirl of most things, if you can name it, it's likely I'm a fan of it and if I'm not I'm totally up to becoming a fan of it. Right now I'm just prepping myself for the Infinity War movie. I guess that's it. *fades back into shadows*

@LeiaElkins: @LeiaElkins: Well, hi everybody! I'm Leia, and I pretty much like any genre of books known to humankind. That is about all I can write because of the word limit. Bye, and message me if you want to ask me something!
  • somewhere, doing fandom stuff
  • JoinedAugust 16, 2016

Last Message
TheFandomCentral TheFandomCentral Feb 15, 2018 06:30PM
Hey Readers! Be prepared for a new book of ours coming out that gives you a basic rundown of the awesome people on this account! Kind of a long bio, cause we can't fit everything on our profile XDKe...
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