
Anyone read Shadow and Bone


WELCOME TO THE CHAOS! I'm your host, Nova, but you can call me "your Highness" if it tickles your fancy! Please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all time and be warned, this is one ride you won't be getting off of!
          (Or in simple terms, thanks for the follow. I claim you.)


          Thank you for the follow, luv. I wish I could say you can owl me at anytime, but they took the private messages away. So, it will have to settle to scroll (message board). I would also like to thank you for the votes you have made in my book "Stalker" and I hope you are enjoying it thus far. I hope you take care and stay safe!
          Kalili Sallow


always a good idea to make an alt


@Glorybringer1163 yeah I actually have another one but I pretend it's not an alt just to talk to ppl I'm not sure about yet