
I made an Instagram for my Poetry. You can find the account  by searching @darkformidablepoetry


Hello everyone, after more than a year of not posting or doing anything. I have decided to once again. I really miss being a part of this community and connecting with people through my Poetry. We've got old poems and new poems and I am so excited to really get the ball rolling again. Thank you so much everyone!! 


Hello Kings and Queens, wow it really has been a while. I haven't really posted, not even sure if I still have interested followers, oh well. Currently I am working on my manuscript still though I don't know when it will be published or completed. 
          Currently on Wattpad I have just been reading fanfics, however if you, or someone you know is looking for feedback/reviews on Poetry I will gladly accept those and give you feedback. Today I was like "man I really haven't done anything with my Wattpad. I do have some new Poetry that will be published soon that I did for a school assignment that I will publish soon and I hope you enjoy. I am trying to think of what else to update on. I feel bad because I've literally been gone for three months, if there are any questions comment below, oh I will give you all a sneak preview of my manuscript called "When She Met Hell"
          "The skies were grey and it had just begun to rain. 
          When her love was finally locked away. 
          Shut out with no key, trapped behind four walls. 
          She knew he wouldn’t stop fighting.
          She had no way of knowing how long he’d be gone;
          But she knew she would wait no matter how long. 
          Her heart still ached and longed for what was hers. 
          Her heart crying, tears filling her lungs making it hard to breathe. 
          She couldn’t see, she had no way to know.
          I promised myself I wouldn’t cry,
          yet the tears are falling…...
          She couldn’t cry enough tears to fill her pain and heartache, so the rain poured harder helping her. 
          She knows they’re both slowly suffocating.
          Needing each other to breathe and finally live.  
          The light is there but she’s worried it’s fading.
          If the light burns out will she be able to relight the flame?
          Or will she try too hard and set everything on fire, burning it into ashes.
          All she ever wanted, leaving her just as it began."


“There are lots of different ways to love people, and lots of different ways to define yourself.” - Nina Lacour
          This Pride month, IL is proud to announce another round of Poetry Contest for all the genius poets out there. 
          We all know that poetry is the language of emotions and feelings that unites the people in one voice. It is the most intriguing and powerful form of language. As a poet, are you seeking to contribute to this great Pride march? Do you wish to bring out your voice through the rhythmic words of your heart? 
          If yes, we invite all poets to be a part of this contest and voice the LGBTQ+ community as we raise our Pride flag promoting equality and love.



Hello Kings and Queens I have an important announcement to make. 
          Starting next week I will begin dismantling my Poetry from Wattpad and taking it down little by little. This is not for sad reasons of any means but in hopes that I'll be publishing soon. I'm currently working on a manuscript and I hope to publish one day soon. 
          This doesn't mean I will stop posting though, some stuff I will leave up and I will start writing short stories maybe if I have time and post those ideas. 
          My poetry journey on here has been truly incredible and I thank each and every one of you because you are all amazing. I have been writing on here for three almost four years and every moment has been incredible. I have made so many friends and I know I know I have changed many lives based on you comments and messages to me. I hope to reach more people, change more lives and connect with a wider audience through this decision. 
          Thank you so much Kings and Queens, and I hope you continue to stay with me, any questions about this decision or anything else please message me.
          Lots of Love always Hannah 


Hello Kings and Queens, I am back! I need your opinions/ votes on a new username. I have been on Wattpad for four years now and I have kept my account relatively the same, but now I'm looking to change it up. If you wish to please vote on my new username below, I am deciding between "Common Queen", "Apparently a Poetry Queen" or "Queen of my Reality" please comment below. 
          Furthermore I am currently working on a biography/coming out Narrative Poem Novel which I will be creating soon. It will not be something I constantly update and I know is going to be very emotional for me to write however I've always prided myself for being able to be vulnerable on this platform especially as a poet and this is something I thought a lot about and I want you guys to experience as I write. 
          Thank you so much for your constant love and support, and I look forward to hearing your input.
          Lots of Love and thanks always, Hannah 


Hello Kings and Queens, I am back finally finished with another poem. "Lies that Disney Told Me" is finally complete, and this is just heads up, this is not me hating on Disney in any way, in all honesty I love Disney movies for the most part. I will be posting this poem shortly so watch your notifications. 
          Thank you all so much for your love and support, I appreciate each and every one of you!!!
          Lots of Love always Hannah 


Hello Kings and Queens, I am going to try and make this short because my current status is brain dead. New Poem out in "Kings and Queens" so check that out. Also I am going to maybe possibly post a poem I wrote for American History, thoughts? I'm also considering updating my bio, again thoughts? I don't know what people want to know about me.....I just wrote Poetry in hopes to become an author one day......
          I hope everyone is doing well thank you all so much for sticking with me even though I haven't been updating as much. I'm currently working on a really big Poem right now that I want to take a lot of time with called "Lies that Disney Told Me" so hopefully I'll eventually get that done. 
          Thanks you all so much for your constant love and support I greatly appreciate each and every one of you. 
          Lots of Love forever and always, Hannah 


Hello Kings and Queens, I haven't posted any messages in a while but I hope you all are doing well. Recently I was going back and looking over old poems and I found one I wrote but never published, for good reason. The poem I am about to publish "Nightmare" was written roughly three years ago and it's a poem regarding Sexual Assault. I never felt brave enough to publish it nor did I feel strong enough to admit and out it out on the internet for everyone to see. However rereading it today I realize it's a fraction of my story that I will have to acknowledge, and though I am for the most part healed there are times where I am reminded what happened and it becomes sensitive for me. This message is a reader warning and a message to let you know I am okay and that this wasn't a recent situation. If any of you have any questions or concerns about me please private message me. If you are a victim of recent Sexual Assault please let someone you trust know. 
          Thank you for reading this message and I hope you all have a wonderful week. Thank you all for your continuous love and support. 
          Lots of Love always Hannah