I may discontinue my books.
          	Yes, you heard me right. I'm losing my interest in writing and I'm moving on to just portraying my stories through art. This is still to be debated on, but there's a high chance that I'll discontinue everything.


Oh my gosh!! I was going through some old messages and I realized it's been forever since we've talked. You probably don't remember me and that's fine, but I just wanna say you were one of my first followers when I had like,,, 50 or less, I think. You were a huge inspiration and I really looked up to you! I just wanted to thank you <3 hope you're doing okay and I'll look forward to when you upload again!


No prob, yo! ♡♡


@red-soda Aww, it warms my heart to know that I've become an inspiration! Thank you for your message!! <3


I may discontinue my books.
          Yes, you heard me right. I'm losing my interest in writing and I'm moving on to just portraying my stories through art. This is still to be debated on, but there's a high chance that I'll discontinue everything.


          Sorry for the lack of updates, but I am currently doing a new, original book called KidTale!
          It's something heavily inspired by Toby Fox's Undertale, so a quick 'thank you' to Toby for making such a great game!
          The gist of the story is that it is about two brothers moving to the big city and meeting new friends. They do wacky stuff every day and try their best not to get in trouble. 
          Yeah, it may sound a little cliche, but wait until the end of the story ;)
          Also, on an unrelated note, I am still working on An Unexpected Romance (which I might edit first before making new chapters) and the rewrite for Love's Scenario.
          Thank you for reading this little update :)


Hey DMC! I have a question: Are you still working on Love's Scenario? I was just wondering since I've been meaning to make the fanart I promised months ago. But I've been busy with college and requests on dA.


^^ Ah okay!


@EdgyDarkAngel Hey there! My answer is: yup! Though, I'm still re-writing it '^^


Yoosung is best


@TheDMC Ah okay! I will <3


@EdgyDarkAngel Yes, MysMes is a game and you should try it out ^^


@TheDMC Agreed, and I haven't played (is it a game?) Mystic Messenger yet.
            Also, he happens to have a really close name pronunciation to my FMA OC, Yosung. XD