
Just wanna say. I love your writing style. It's beautiful and I aspire to be that eloquent in my words when writing a story. Do you have any advise on that?
          Ive read all of your KHR fanfic and liked it so much. ❤️
          That's all.


@AerilistaryliaSae Thanks for reading! I'm glad you like my stories!
            The only writing advice I can give you is to write a lot, and more importantly, read a lot. And don't read just fic, but everything and anything you can get your hands onto. Because words won't come if you don't have them.


Bonjour je me suis nouvellement abonnés et j'aime beaucoup tes histoires en particulier ''Ciel capricieux'' j'aime beaucoup le côté imprévisible de Tsuna et je trouve que Reborn est vrement bien retranscrit .
          Bonne continuation et j'espère resevoire bientôt la notification de tes prochaines histoires ! 


@Kozaki27 Hello, thank you so much for following! I'm glad you like my stories!


Hello, just dropping by a msg to say that I really love your stories, I find them humorous and the exhaustion-scenes really relatable owo So... yeah. Have a nice day! (or a good rest) 


@Tsukina_29 Hey, thanks a lot! I'm glad you like my stories! All exhaustion-scenes are written based on personal experience lmao. Have a wonderful day, too!