
Hi guys! I decided to break my rule about writing only one story at a time! Along with "The Angel In Hell" I will be writing an Anastasia story titled "Ghosts Among You." That story will also be rated mature for heavy subject matter, but  I promise that I will try to make it more lighthearted than "The Angel In Hell."
          	I will alternate upload weekends- each story will be updated every other weekend. This weekend I will upload the first part of "Ghosts Among You!"


@Epius1832  That is seriously like one of the hardest questions in my life right now. I am still in the process of writing the second Chapter of "Ghosts Among You," but that's still iffy. Two days ago, I also came up with an idea for a short Christine/Raoul fic, that I'm planning to be only a few chapters long, but that's kicking my butt as well so far... Please send help...


@Epius1832 Yeah sure, it would've been interesting to see, a while ago I actually planned to write a very short fic with an insane Gleb, but I haven't updated anything in about five months, so... At first it was a lack of inspiration, I would push myself to write, but it would be complete garbage. Now, I have an idea, I'm over 2,000 words, but I'm not finished with it, I just don't have the time quite yet. Earlier today, I was working on an essay, and let me tell you, it was kicking my behind!


@Epius1832 I mean, I am kind of angry that I never got to hear Ramin sing "In The Dark of The Night," especially since it sounded like they were going to stick closer to the movie before finally deciding to make the movie more historically accurate (I was talking to John Bolton, and he said that he was originally casted as Bartok), but I guess it depends on the type of evil to. Ramin already played a psychotic man who thought he was doing the right thing, so while I think a darker Gleb would be interesting, I'm kind of glad that they made him tortured yet sympathetic. However, this does leave me with ideas...