
As the days go by, my heart can’t shine,
          	As the wind can fly, my eyes would cry, 
          	I hurt you my love, with a simple act.
          	You don’t get the pain that I get.
          	Your smile face so intact.
          	It used to be mine. I remember the times. 
          	It was just us. The love was so strong, I’d hug and we’d laugh the memories flood.
          	I miss you my dear, I hope your not gone.


As the days go by, my heart can’t shine,
          As the wind can fly, my eyes would cry, 
          I hurt you my love, with a simple act.
          You don’t get the pain that I get.
          Your smile face so intact.
          It used to be mine. I remember the times. 
          It was just us. The love was so strong, I’d hug and we’d laugh the memories flood.
          I miss you my dear, I hope your not gone.


Hello. Thank you guys for all the support and all. But I’ve come to a decision to delete my account and I just wanted to let u guys know!