I really liked “I am Escapism” but I realized that it implies a lie, it implies that escape from this world is my end. Because of this shortcoming I have added another part, “God is not.” which I feel balanced what I left out in the first part, so please be sure to take in the full idea, and don’t just read the first part ;). 
          	(I may add one or two more parts if I have ideas for them, but this should be a relatively short writing altogether when it is completed.)


I really liked “I am Escapism” but I realized that it implies a lie, it implies that escape from this world is my end. Because of this shortcoming I have added another part, “God is not.” which I feel balanced what I left out in the first part, so please be sure to take in the full idea, and don’t just read the first part ;). 
          (I may add one or two more parts if I have ideas for them, but this should be a relatively short writing altogether when it is completed.)


Just released an individual short piece of writing titled "I am Escapism." as a very short self reflection, so- if the cover isn't too bizarrely weird for you- by all means check it out ;D
          I'd also be interested in seeing which poems you guys like the best, if you would "vote" them or reply here with a title or list I'd love to see which ones mean the most to you ;)


New poem in Poetry/Prayer to God (2024):
          "My Home"
          I've decided that I should write a new poem every day, regardless of how well it turns out. This is not going to mean a new poem here everyday, as these won't all fit the collections I am posting here, but it should keep me on my toes and increase the regularity of postings :D


Writing Update:
          I just released a new poem in Poetry/Prayer to God (2024) titled "Break These Chains", and this is actually my first poem that I really paid attention to the syllables in. My other poems have focused exclusively on rhyme and meaning, but I kept a (mostly) uniform number of syllables per line in this.
          I've been researching and learning about Blank Verse (poetry written in a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables), and hopefully this is one step of many (there will need to be many in order for me to get there) on the road to actually being able to write it. 
          Again, I know I am in a kind of bubble here where I'm telling you about something I'm not actually putting here, but my writing is not as stagnant as my posting, and I have been continuing to work on my fiction novels, so my brain has hopefully not died to the world of writing, even if this account has ;).


Writing Update:
          I wrote (a couple days ago) and published (just now) the first piece of "Poetry/Prayer to God (2024)" which I will continue to add to throughout the year (though not with any currently planned regularity).
          I also plan to begin writing pieces to, and hopefully publishing parts of Pathways this year, and I've continued to work on planning and writing two fiction novels I have started (which I do not currently have plans for publishing on Wattpad).


Because 2023 is over, I think I should consider my 2023 poetry book over. I thought about it too much in terms of a book, and not enough in terms of the year's summary. It is kind of both, but I am not publishing any books anytime soon, and therefore it is for now a collection, and I am defining it by the year it was written in, and therefore it is over. 
          I will not be adding "Thank You For" to it, and I will be marking the writing as complete (if I can figure out how to). 
          This doesn't imply the end of my poetry though, as I already have a number of names and ideas for the 2024 continuation, in addition Pathways, which I have a list of title ideas for as well. 
          As to when any of this will be written- I really don't know, I have a lot of school work and am very busy right now, so, unfortunately, it might be a while.


((I am setting a goal for myself to be writing and planning writing every week, but this includes a book I'm writing, a book I'm planning, and yet another book idea floating around my head as well as these two poetry books.))
            [Btw/jsyk I do not plan to publish the books on Wattpad, which is part of why this is mainly to say that I will still be practicing my writing.]


**Additional poem and update on "Poetry and Prayers to God (2023)"
          I finished and released "Help Me" and written "I'm Done", and I'm going to add another poem "Strip My Heart" between "Blood on my lips." and "It's Snowing Outside (Avalanche)"
          So here is the current listings, their status, and the projected release dates:
          1. The Broken Heart
          2. I Don't Know
          3. How Can I Be Yours?
          4. The Rock
          5. Who I am.
          6. If I...?
          7. Wannabe (I want to be)
          8. I am (Prelude)
          9. I am
          10. This Life
          11. I Forgot
          12. My Death
          13. I am Broken
          14. Help Me [Released]
          15. Pitfalls
          16. I Don't Deserve
          17. Blood on my lips.
          18. Strip My Heart [Unwritten](New addition) Dec. 23
          19. It's Snowing Outside. (Avalanche) [Unfinished] Dec. 24
          20. I'm Done. [Unreleased] (TBD)
          21. Thank You For. [Unwritten] Jan. 1
          I'm just wondering, I personally don't think I can choose one, but do you have a favorite so far? Or which ones particularly stood out to you? 
          As always, thanks for following my writing, I'm thankful to God that I am able to write something someone might think is worth reading <3.


Sorry for the delay in publication, I was more busy than I had thought I would be, but I have finished writing "Strip My Heart." and "It's Snowing Outside. (Avalanche)," and those are now available to read :D. 
            Tomorrow I will release "I'm Done." and I'm still planning to release "Thank You For" around the new year, though that may fall out as I will be traveling, an I don't know when I will be free to write or publish, so I won't promise anything on that.
            These poems are very felt, and in many ways personal, even if they express mutual feelings and thoughts, so while I am glad to be able to, and wanted to do this, I will admit that it was scary and hard to work myself up to publishing this, because I don't love who I am, but at the same time I want honesty to be a part of who I am, and I guess that part does exist, as it manifested here. I want you to know that emotion and feeling is a great gift from God, and I thank Him for it, and have been freed a lot by releasing it to writing.
            Feelings are important, not inherently bad, but bottled pressure can kill, so please make sure you don't crush yourself under them. (The best way I know to avoid that is sharing them, so please keep that in mind if you're heavy burdened.)


I am planning on wrapping up Poetry and Prayers to God (2023) with the end of the year, this means the writing is coming to completion, and I (unless I think of something else to add) have the final list for what writings will be in it.
          As of right now, this is the complete list of what writings will be in the booklet, and the order:
          1. The Broken Heart
          2. I Don't Know
          3. How Can I Be Yours?
          4. The Rock
          5. Who I am.
          6. If I...?
          7. Wannabe (I want to be)
          8. I am (Prelude)
          9. I am
          10. This Life
          11. I Forgot
          12. My Death
          13. I am Broken
          14. Help Me [Unwritten]
          15. Pitfalls
          16. I Don't Deserve
          17. Blood on my lips.
          18. It's Snowing Outside. (Avalanche) [Unfinished]
          19. I'm Done. [Unwritten]
          20. Thank You For. [Unwritten]
          This year has been one of my favorite yet, I think I have grown and changed a lot, and I'm glad for it. While this is approaching the end of this page, the book is not over, in my previous post (yesterday) I announced what my next writing will be about, so check it out for more information :) thanks!!


"Life is the path we take to death;
          Don't take shortcuts."
          — Me 
          God has a plan for your life, we can't always see it around the next bend in the road, but it's there, don't you ever doubt it, and don't end it. 
          Your life is worth far more than we can imagine, even when it feels like a collection of all your failures, it is something you, and/in God, can do meaningful things with.


This idea, I think, will be the focal point of my next writing. I am going to close out My Poetry and Prayers to God (2023) writing, and probably begin a 2024 one, but also a new one: Pathways. 
            The focus will be understanding or dealing with life, through an analogy (or many many analogies) to paths and roads.