
Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!!! <3 


@TheAvengersWhore I can't DM you on my phone for some reason. Im gonna try and get my laptop but I might not be able to


Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!!! <3 


@TheAvengersWhore I can't DM you on my phone for some reason. Im gonna try and get my laptop but I might not be able to


Hi was awondering the name of your book avengers and pirates crossover . Was trying to find it ?


@shylady4u2 awwww thank you ❤️


@shylady4u2  thats ok I would have read it  ❤️


@shylady4u2 I deleted it because I was told by a family member that no one would read it. I'm sorry. 


Y'all I just watched Deadpool for the first time and it's now my favorite movies
          I'm gonna try to post a bit more, but I've had writers block for a while, I won't discontinue the book tho, I'm against that. I will finish it soon.
          Night y'all love y'all 


@fivesthetic_ omg  I'm not allowed to watch it either but it was well worth it


     Alright so... I'm sorry for not posting a lot loves! School starts on Monday for me, and I may or may not have forgotten my summer reading. 
                I'm almost done so I might post Sunday, but I'm letting y'all know that it's kinda stressing me out, so I won't be as active! 
                Sorry for the inconvenience! 
                Love y'all! - Maddy ❤️


this message may be offensive
I'm going to take a little break for my mental health. It's been getting to me lately and I've felt like shit.
           I'm sorry about this, but it's been rough.
          I told my cousin that I count the calories in everything and that I feel fat and that I should stop eating and she said that I should because I am fat.
          I know it shouldn't have gotten to me but it did.
          It will only be a short break, like a week or two. 
          Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and anything else. Remember: I love y'all.


@TeamIronManFP thank you ❤️❤️  love you too hun ❤️


@TheAvengersWhore np  and just so you know you don't need anyone to look up you are one strong girl/boy/non-binary bitch (no offense).Love you❤️❤️


@TeamIronManFP awwwww that's so sweet! The more I think about it, she was just a poorly hid bully. She's been nothing but horrible to me, but disguises it like she's trying to be kind! I'm trying to avoid her and her negativity, because even though I realized she was a bully, I still looked up to her. Thank you so so much for your kindness! ❤️❤️


this message may be offensive
I know. I know. I finally updated! Sorry if this one is shit, but it's kinda of a filler. ❤️ Love you guys and thank you for 110k reads! I try to respond to your comments at least once, but I've been getting so many, it's insane! Also I think I started a cult in the comments... So there's that. Have funnnnnn Night. I'll still be updating regularly unless specified different. Love you - Maddy


Thanks for all the votes! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ it means a lot also I read Ure bio and Lemmie say... literally same I love helluva and all those other shows too! Have a great day and stay hydrated (•̀ᴗ•́)و