
So, I went and logged into one of my old accounts, where I had written a one shot book for SAO it had over 6 thousand views!!!!!!! And whats even more surprising, people were asking for more!!!!!?!?!  It got me wondering, should I maybe continue that? Or should I just leave it be? I lost motivation for those stories a long time ago, but I don't want to disappoint anyone. Sooooo..... What should I do?


So, I went and logged into one of my old accounts, where I had written a one shot book for SAO it had over 6 thousand views!!!!!!! And whats even more surprising, people were asking for more!!!!!?!?!  It got me wondering, should I maybe continue that? Or should I just leave it be? I lost motivation for those stories a long time ago, but I don't want to disappoint anyone. Sooooo..... What should I do?


Welp, I was gonna go to sleep...... But you know how late night anxiety gets.... So I guess imma just read some more 'fics instead.   
          Also I have to use the bathroom but my rooms in a finished basement so I would have to climb a creaky set of stairs and wake up the whole house so yeah I guess I can't do that either...... I hate my life......


I just need ppl in my real life to understand, I may come off as a snob, but its only because I was shut in all my life, and the only way that I know how to interact with ppl is to imitate what I see around me, or what I see on YouTube and TV. 
          I laugh at everything, but all that it rlly means is that I feel awkward or uncomfortable and want out of the situation.
          I smile no matter what you say to me, because I can't hear very well and don't want to make you repeat the same thing five or six times.
          I refuse video chats because I always mess something up when I accept them, and the person hangs up a few minutes after they call, with hardly anything being said.
          I look like I'm flirting since I get along better with guys, but guys don't judge like girls, girls judge everything and I don't know how to handle it.
          I get frustrated but its only because nobody listens in the first place.
          I forget names but it's not because I don't like you, its just how I am, I forget my own sisters name at least five times a week.
          I seem stupid, but its just that I don't know what's OK to say and what you want to hear. Lack of social interaction in my early years makes it hard for me to adjust, please be patient.. 
          Sorry, I had a bit of a rough day....


@TheAntelope @nidhi_0604 thank you, that was so sweet of you 


@TheAntelope hey its okay to be like that...many people are like that. even i dont really like video calls. u dont sound stupid dont worry. i may not know much considering my age but i can atleast say something sweet to you if that will make you feel any better. i am sure u will soon hv people who understand you. Count me in them ;)


I was going to go to sleep, I swear I was, but my sister won't stop her whisper yell conversation with some random ppl online about some game she's playing with them (but shes always hated games?) And being super giggly and loud and then something about landing on a house and not again and how tf am I supposed to sleep with this? Its almost 2 am...