
Going to start a new book soon.


I’m really getting into this new book I’m writing! Don’t worry it’s not another book about me. Well, I may add some life stories to help aid the story. Gotta love a good drama with some fun times.  I’ve just been craving a good book where it’s kinky and also actiony with a good story. All the movies and books I’ve been reading, just isn’t doing it for me. So I thought I would try something. I don’t just write my life story, I actually tend to write random mini stories a lot… I did my life stories because I was working on my healing and it was a good way to process it and dive deep into it. If people read them, then cool, if they don’t, that’s cool, too. Truth is I don’t really expect anyone to see these, but if they do and get some form of entertainment out of it or maybe I help someone in some way, then awesome!! If I reach even just one person, (even if it’s just me) I had accomplished my goal and I’ll be happy.  For those reading. Thank you so much! You all rock! I would have never expected anyone would run across these at all to begin with, but guess what’s meant to be is meant to be, right?  Gotta love the serendipity of it all. Update on my love life since my last book… uh, no update  just me loving me and living my best life! I can feel another big adventure about to brew and it’s scary and exciting all in one! No clue what it is yet, though. ‍♀️Well, anyway! Thanks again everyone, and I hope you enjoy your reads! TTFN!


Growing Up is now updated to “The real chapter 6!…” Hoping to have this done by the end of this week… again I’m sorry to those that started reading this before o truly finished it. Though, I do love and appreciate the support you have given! You are the ones that rock em and sock em! Kelp being you! But on the other hand “Opening Doors”is complete, feel free to view that in the mean time if you don’t want to wait until this one is complete. May take a break to either DoorDash tomorrow or watch some more anime. We will see.  I do need a break. Then again I may just dive in and try to complete it all tomorrow. Idk. ‍♀️ Only the future knows what it holds and there are so many forks… for delicious cake… which I really want right now…  0:21 seems like a perfect time for cake, don’t you think? 


Hello, everyone! I’m writing on here to update everyone what’s going on. So I thought recording my story and transcribing it to words would be easier for “Growing Up”, but instead it made things all jumbled up and the format on how the words are… are driving me nuts! So I will be working on and updating “Growing Up” the next couple weeks (maybe sooner) and I will post an update when it’s fully complete on here. I truly love and appreciate the support on this journey so far! Thank you guys! You rock! I’m the mean time, you can check “Opening Doors” out. It’s the “sequel” but not really, I wrote it first… and felt guided to write about my past, too, so I am. So until then you can read that if you’d like.  If not, no worries. Just know I’m working on editing it and making it WAY better! (Growing up, that is…) thank you for understanding! 


Currently, intro- the real chapter 3 is complete.


In the mean time**