


this message may be offensive
and there i go again. Hiding behind a flamingo balloon, hiding my crying face from my family. Ruining my perfectly good makeup. God, i really am a mistake, aren’t I? I’m just a stupid sensitive bitch. Crying myself to sleep everyday. Wishing i was someone else. I’m just a disgrace to my family. I’m ugly, weird, disgusting, sensitive, has anger issues, suicidal. I’m also a fucking attention seeker. “dramatic” “attention seeker” “Attention wanter” “Sensitive” “crybaby” “weak” “ugly” I will never be anything more. God, I hate myself.


It's funny how some random person can say
          "ew" to you and it makes you fall completely silent. Ruining ur whole mood and making you wonder if you're that ugly to people. Ever wonder if you're that ugly to people?
          Making you cry the whole night.
          Making you lock yourself in your room and want to never be seen again
          Even my own rabbit hates me
          She made me bleed today
          All she cares about is food
          Sometimes I want my mom to comfort me, all she does is scold me for crying.
          Saying I'm weak
          My brother says I'm fat Or I'm a stick
          A piece of paper
          Sometimes I just want to never exist
          No matter how hard I try, I'm always "weak"
          "fat" "skinny"
          God even sometimes my own friends ignore me
          Like on Friday, my own friend, who once comforted me, ghosted me
          I don't want to be in this cruel world