
@revyrogue probably, but you see I don't take chances like that to ever happen. *smiles* but that's just me and my cold nature ig


smiles "You kinda remind me of war, he likes to believe he has a heart made of ice." chuckles


Materializing atop a skyscraper a being would come into view.The figured looked to be no more than a simple mummy wrapped in pristine white cloth. Yet something was off. It walked towards the center of the rooftop before lifting off of the ground. White energy surrounded the being as it began to channel it's spell.


As the charging had completed the figure would cease the glow, six white circles manifesting around him. As this happened, the figure would float back to the ground, the circles opening as he did so. All at once trillions of white spiders poured out of the now open circles. They aimed for Jason Todd first, devouring him in seconds before spreading throughout the city of Gotham.
            Stepping out from the middle of the spiders he would walk towards Jason Todd's corpse, running a single finger through the pool of blood and wiping it beneath his left eye. Moments after this  he figure would all but vanish.


@daring-dagger Huffs folding arms calmly "Look...maybe you think I go around and tease male..but you'd be wrong. I have rules and I follow them. I was born in an age were calling on Love or handsome was common, I do not mean it to be flirty. I came here to speak with @lone-Wolf about a matter, its better spoken of. Somehow Red has started to think I want to fight him, I don't go looking for fights. I am sorry if you got the wrong impression."