
          	I LIIIIVVVEE-


I want everyone to know that no matter who bad it may be, it'll get better. I hope at least! Happy Christmas!!!


@ExpectoPatronum67 I going okay! Happy...wait-...merry Christmas-, I'm an idiot.


@Thatweeb665 I hope you're doing well! Happy christmas :)


Hey, so last week one of my dogs died by vomiting everything he had in his stomach. I had to just listen to him hack up everything that he’d every eaten. I don’t know why this happened, but it did. Today my other dog died. This dog has been around even before I was born. It was his time to go. He was around 16 years old, And he had always been around. He used to sleep outside my door, and it made me feel special. He died this morning. I miss both of them very much. It isn’t the same without them. We only have two dogs now, and I can only hope that they won’t be next. Or my cat, fishes, or crabs. I need them more than i thought. I might not answer any of you guys for a while. I’m sorry.


Thank you! It’s just been very hard for me.


I'm so sorry you're having to deal with that...Take care of yourself and try to focus on the happy memories as much as you can and celebrate the time you had with them..


YOU HAVE BEEN BOOPED! Post this on a few other messages if you like and spread the boopness.
          Also since I was lazy when the chain reached me a month back, I'm also showering you with love because I adore you and your art! You can spread that to others if you fancy it!


          ┃┃╱╲ in
          ┃╱╱╲╲ this
          ▔▏┗┛▕▔ we love and appreciate 
                   The lgbtq+ community 
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