
Happy New Yers!!! And stiff.


I've been home from school all day cause I'm sick (and really just didn't wanna go to school) anyways I've laid around all day doing nothing but listening to music. I honestly haven't seen a actual person since 7 this morning....I feel dead and free all at the same time. Because I'm laying here complete silence with not a soul coming for me and I can do anything I want but I honestly just wanna disappear. Strange how my life works. Anyways read my books and stuff like that. -Sick Me-


My friend has a tumor in his head, this is his second one. But this one is worse it's in in the front of his head. And I'm praying to God he lives. So if you have it in your hearts to pray for him it would mean the world too me, him, his family, friends and everyone who knows this amazing young boy. You might of heard of him before...he named his last tumor "Michigan". Hos name is Grant Reed. 


I'm going to update my first real chapter of life in hell. And if no one starts reading it then I'll just stop and go back to reading all of your guys's stories only
          Btw I'm dedicating this chapter to the comment I like the best or the first  one haven't made up my mind yet.