
Hiiii!! This might be a bit surprising and even a bit impolite but I wanted to ask you if you could still continue to translate 'Divinity'??
          I know, I know, there is Google translate but who needs that when we have u ??
          Maybe I should stop because I have a feeling that you may have some work to do or that you are just as lazy as me
          Oke! Have a nice day/night!!


@ Ewelainer_25  oh okay!! Thank you!! And I wish u luck for university!! 


@ Ewelainer_25  awn nooo it's so cute !! Well actually I'm in university and has a lot of work but I will, when I can, continue to translate it I promise...! I just need someone (an English native speaker) to check my translations before posting them since the girl who used to help me just disappeared ... Hehe. Thank u it's nice and it motivates me ! 