
Thinking of writing a non-fiction book on my experiences with panic attacks and similar topics such as trying to get better and staying positive. Thoughts?? Would anyone like to read something like this??


Guys, I'm sorry to say I'll be withdrawing "Not Your Average Love Story (JeffTheKiller) from Wattpad soon.
          The reason I'm doing this is because I think this could become a very good quality piece if I really work hard on it, and so I want this to be private so that there's no risk of it ever being copied, and nobody would be able to steal ideas (not very likely, but it happens).
          I'm really sorry, those of you who liked the first chapter. :( This doesn't mean I won't continue to write horror stories on here, but I was hoping that NYALS (Not Your Average Love Story) could become a serious piece of writing. I like how it's going and I think it has potential.
          Thanks for reading it and it will be gone by the end of August, but probably sooner. 