
Well... My church has cancelled all meetings, worldwide, until further notice.
          	This corona virus is really getting under people's skin, isn't it?
          	It is a bit worrisome, I guess.
          	But I just don't understand why all of the toilet paper was the first to go...


Well... My church has cancelled all meetings, worldwide, until further notice.
          This corona virus is really getting under people's skin, isn't it?
          It is a bit worrisome, I guess.
          But I just don't understand why all of the toilet paper was the first to go...


Happy New year!!!!! Hope it's full of wonderful mistakes, and amazing discoveries. Just remember:try hard not to kill anyone. K? Aight. Hope y'all make great new friends, and have amazing relationships throughout the year.


@ThatDammsFreak 2023. A little late, but you're still going. You moved out. Living all on your own haha. Kinda crazy. You've changed a lot.
            You have some new friends, and they're pretty cool. You are still dating Nate, and you are so, so happy. You and Jay got back in contact, and he's doing well, taking much better care of himself now.
            Hannah spent the night at your house, and you two went to the Renaissance faire! She loved it and you both looked amazing. Austin and Davis went, too. You all had so much fun.
            Things are hard, but you're making it through. You're doing wonderfully. just keep pushing, okay? You can do it. You always have


this message may be offensive
Been 2 years, bitch. You're still kicking, surprisingly. You've got an amazingly perfect boyfriend now. Shit's serious. You still don't know what's wrong with your stomach, but it's kept you home from multiple weeks of work. You are planning on leaving. Straight up. Life at home is that bad. Dalilah is still a hoe, and still your best friend.
            You grew up enough in 2 years that people think you've lived on your own for awhile when talking to you.
            You look like hell lately, but you're more confident about the fact that you're actually kinda alright looking. You know that you're loved, instead of praying that you're loved. You know you love someone, instead of not knowing if you actually know what love is, or if you can feel it. Because fuck, you can feel it. You feel it hit you like a fucking train every time he randomly days something to you when you can't talk, or when you hear him playing videogames with friends and he acts like a kid. Or when he subtly mentions you while playing. When he lets you choose what to do, because he thinks he doesn't give you enough choice. You found love in 2021, kiddo. 2020 may have been a fucking bitch, and so was 2021, but that bitch made your life worth living because she threw a cute little hurdle at you that you fell for. Make 2022 better than 2021, because you know you can. You may be an odd shit, but you are talented, use that talent to tell the world to fuck itself