
Hi ThandiBsuku, can you please refill the Fantasmical submission form to include an email address so we can contact you in case of a win? Sorry for the trouble, it was overlooked at the time of releasing the form.


@ThandiBsuku thank you, we've received it!


@talesofthedeep Hi, thank you so much - I will do so just now.


Hello everyone! Nothing much but I just decided to do something different with the cyberpunk book that I should have done with the Land of Survival book:
          Making a book trailer.
          My book will consist of pictures as I have been doing with my LOS book so I decided to make a trailer just to give a picture of what the book is about.
          Here is the link (I hope you will all be able to open it):
          Until next time on Cyberpunk Schoolrunners!


Hello everyone. Hope you're all doing well. 
          I have decided to just temporarily put the cyberpunk book on hold for now and finish the Land of Survival Book instead. 
          Once L.O.S Book is completed, l will jump right back onto it.
          That's all on announcements from my side and please take care!
          Until next time!


Hello everyone. Hope you're all doing well.
          Just to bring to your attention - l am planning for 2024 (which is coming in 3 days time) and l thought, "Let me not make the mistakes that l made in 2023" so l have decided that once l go back to business from the 17th of January, l will not have enough free time to publish the Land of Survival Book so with regards to that, l have decided that every Friday, starting from the 19th of Jan, l will post one chapter a week ( l promise to do that ) l know l'm awful at keeping promises but l will try my best to keep this promise 
          Another thing - l am also going to write a new book   its genre is more science fiction and cyberpunk. Keep in mind that the main teen characters in my upcoming cyberpunk book will remain the same...you may see a new side from the main characters and get introduced to some new ones hehe. It's my favorite genre so l hope you will all like it as l'm excited to write it! 
          That's all from my side in terms of announcements.
          Until next time!


Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing great.
          Just wanted to let everyone know that I am back on Wattpad after A LONG hiatus - I just began writing the same book (Land of Survival) on Neobook as well, that's if you do use Neobook too. I will be juggling up with the two places but that's all on my side.