
Hello, loves ✨
          	How have you all been? Doing well and having lots of happy days, I hope! 
          	I am posting this to apologize for being on hiatus. I’m in college now, pursuing a double major in Chemistry and Materials Engineering. It is stressful, I admit. At times, I barely have a second to eat or sleep. However, I am happy with the path I’m taking. With everything I’ve been through, I didn’t even expect myself to reach college, let alone to be pursuing a career in the Sciences. That being said, when times are heavy, I found myself reading your comments and messages to provide a quick “cheer-me-up.” 
          	And for that, this is also a “thank you” message. Thank you, my lovelies. In ways you will never know, you are also a part of my college journey. You have gotten me through some of my worst days. Last January 21, 2023, my father passed away. I admit, I was not okay for a long time. One thing that helped me was re-reading Aionios and seeing all of you enjoy yourselves in the comment section. You’re all a funny bunch. Some of you have as dark a humor as mine, and believe me I’ve used up ALL my dark humor to get over the grief of my father’s passing. So thank you— thank you all a million times over. You have no idea how much you’ve helped me in your own little ways.
          	And to answer your inquiries— Yes, I am fine. There will be an upcoming break for our semester. Hopefully, I’ll find the time to publish some chapters then.
          	For now, I leave with yet another promise that 
          	I have more in store for you, lovelies.
          	Until then, please be happy.
          	With love, to Jupiter and back.


i’m so happy that your doing okay and i’m so proud of you i know how hard it is to loose a parent and i really hope that your coping well this book is the only reason i haven’t deleted wattpad and these characters you’ve created have helped me through very hard times don’t rush to update take all the time you need but trust me as soon as i get the notif that you’ve updated ill be the first to read it (also you must be very smart to be majoring in chemistry i got a 14% in my last chem test)


Love you so much, proud of you for pursuing your majors :) and i’m so so sorry for your loss ❤️ we can’t wait for your return!! Take all the time you need love!


@Thanatos_0307 Im so happy for you and I'm sorry for your lost. 


ive literally been re-reading this book for like 3 years now and i just wanted to say you genuinely have a talent for writing and never give up on it and i cant wait for the next chapter (p.s please dont kill anyone off) 


hey, i'm a new reader but i've grown really attached to Aionios. i just thought that you i'd let you know how much of a masterpiece it is and it really has a special nest in my heart. i really adore the plot, your original characters, and your dedication to your work. no matter how hard times get please do not give up on writing. i will be one of those readers that will wait for your updates through thick and thin. thank you.