
Hey guys I know the odds of anyone missing my stories is slim but i just wanted to announce that I'm back and currently I'm focusing on my Harry Potter fanfiction Sunshine and Snakes to better it! I feel like over the years my writing and story telling abilities have improved and as of right now that's the main story I want to focus on. 


Hey guys I know the odds of anyone missing my stories is slim but i just wanted to announce that I'm back and currently I'm focusing on my Harry Potter fanfiction Sunshine and Snakes to better it! I feel like over the years my writing and story telling abilities have improved and as of right now that's the main story I want to focus on. 


@Wisegirll when writing, just put yourself in your characters’ shoes and write down your perspective of whatever there is to think about. Then, with words you think are a bit too simple, find synonyms that could make it sound more interesting. It works with 1st, 2nd and 3rd person.