
Hello all!
          	I'll make this short and sweet -- TYVOT has been updated and is now complete!


Hey all, and happy Saturday ^^
          I thought I'd test out this new Wattpad-notification system, though I was initially hesitant as I thought I didn't have any news to share. But scrolling back through my message board I realised - *gasp!* - I forgot to share my favourite news of all! #TYVOT won a competition a couple of weeks back - which was stunning and so amazingly lovely <3 It gave me a boost to get through my edits, I'll tell ya. And to celebrate I've re-vamped the old book cover. #TYVOT now has a fresh new vibe featuring my 'OMEGA' sticker (*insert sunglasses emoji!*) and I am DIGGING IT.
          Only 350 reads to hit 2k! If anyone fancies giving my heart-project a whirl, now's the perfect time - it has just been updated to draft 10 in its entirety. Well...uh...almost! I'm not quite done with it yet, but I'm getting there, I promise!
          Hope you all have a fabulous weekend.




Hello my lovely Wattpad followers.
          This weekend I finally finished draft nine of THE YOUNG VOLCANOES OF TENEMERE, and today I have updated my Wattpad chapters to the latest version -- for the last time!
          This is the final draft that will be available on Wattpad before publication, and in a couple of months I will be taking it down completely, leaving only a sample few chapters.
          This is your last chance to read the full story for free if you haven't done so already!
          Thank you so much for all your reads, comments, votes and support.
          I hope you enjoy the story that TYVOT has become.


Hi all,
          Just wanted to thank you all again for your reads and your follows.
          TYVOT has hit 1.1K views now and it even has a little ribbon and a ranking for the first time! #516 IN YOUNGADULTREADS - apparently!
          Lovely little surprise for me, to see my heart-project moving up in the world <3
          Thanks for making me smile, folks.
          Have a lovely weekend x


The final chapter of The Young Volcanoes of Tenemere is now available, and all I'll say is that I am now an emotional wreck after writing it.
          This story is in its eighth draft, and I only plan on doing one more before I send it off to my editor.
          The story will only be on Wattpad in full for a short while longer, so enjoy it while you can.
          Thank you to everyone who's stuck with me so far ;)


Ooooh it is a happy Friday! Today 'The Young Volcanoes of Tenemere' hit 1,000 views on Wattpad, just short of its two-year anniversary of being uploaded (25.03.16). I know 1,000 views may not be a lot to some, but for me it's such a milestone. I know my own proofreading and edits can account for at least 100 of those views, but the vast majority of views have come from people who care about me and want to support me, and some have even come from complete strangers who have no idea who I am but who have left votes and comments telling me how much they have enjoyed my story.
          Thank you to everyone who has taken time out of their day to read and support my creative endeavour. Thank you so much for voting, commenting and providing much-welcome feedback. I do really hope my work is enjoyed, and if it tickles your fancy I hope you read on, or if you haven't checked it out yet maybe you'd be up for giving it a chance. Draft 8 is being uploaded chapter by chapter as I complete edits (nearly done now, I swear!), but it will not be on Wattpad for very much longer! I will be self-publishing at the end of this year, so grab the early-access beta for free while you have the chance! Free YA Fantasy? Who on earth could pass that up?!


Hi everyone, it's been a while!
          I'm currently in the process of re-drafting THE YOUNG VOLCANOES OF TENEMERE with some much-needed edits.
          The story is evolving and it's undergoing some major revisions that impacts the whole planned series. It's a lot of work, but it's going to be worth it!
          Chapters will be updated frequently now, but for the time-being I've uploaded a new PROLOGUE that I think will add a nice amount of intrigue at the start of the novel. It's quite short but effective, and if you have a chance I'd love if you could have a quick read and let me know if it wanted to make you read on!
          Please do leave a comment with any suggestions you have. :)
          Love to all
          T x