
I usually don't make posts, but this is a special occasion so I do it this time. 
          	My friend @hippy_child is a very special girl. Not the bad special, the good kind. The kind that annoys you until you want to hurt her, but at the same time you love being around her. The kind that doesn't have very many good jokes, but can always make you laugh with her sillyness. But most importantly the kind that may not always be around when you want her, but is always around when you need her. Like when you see a kinda cute guy, you can always count on her to chase him down just to get his name. Or when your around someone you don't like, @hippy_child will be the one who decides to use all the inside jokes you and your friends know just to make the 'unwanted guest' feel out of the loop. Haha we're so mean. #happypuppies #weewoo #LookAtDatBooty #IHopeArianaGrandeWakesUp. But the point is @hippy_child is a great person. And I'm sorry if I don't tell her that enough. You are smart, and pretty, and brutally honest, and let's be real your butt is awesome! Anyway, I love you Angel. And a quote I'd like to say to you is  "Years from now, I hope we are still in each others lives"
          	                       -Sincerly, DaJona Sheeran


I usually don't make posts, but this is a special occasion so I do it this time. 
          My friend @hippy_child is a very special girl. Not the bad special, the good kind. The kind that annoys you until you want to hurt her, but at the same time you love being around her. The kind that doesn't have very many good jokes, but can always make you laugh with her sillyness. But most importantly the kind that may not always be around when you want her, but is always around when you need her. Like when you see a kinda cute guy, you can always count on her to chase him down just to get his name. Or when your around someone you don't like, @hippy_child will be the one who decides to use all the inside jokes you and your friends know just to make the 'unwanted guest' feel out of the loop. Haha we're so mean. #happypuppies #weewoo #LookAtDatBooty #IHopeArianaGrandeWakesUp. But the point is @hippy_child is a great person. And I'm sorry if I don't tell her that enough. You are smart, and pretty, and brutally honest, and let's be real your butt is awesome! Anyway, I love you Angel. And a quote I'd like to say to you is  "Years from now, I hope we are still in each others lives"
                                 -Sincerly, DaJona Sheeran


Haha y you follow my mom?


@i_love_Marshall-lee1 oh, idk...I must have saw her on your wall and followed her


@JonaBabyyy well my play mom anyway, bookwormwhitney