
Currently going crazy cuz it turns out a book that was my guilty pleasure for me and I would come back to this god forsaken app for is no longer here-where did the author go? Where did my guilty pleasure go——I’m never gonna get answers 


Currently going crazy cuz it turns out a book that was my guilty pleasure for me and I would come back to this god forsaken app for is no longer here-where did the author go? Where did my guilty pleasure go——I’m never gonna get answers 


Oh to make a Haikyuu x reader book or I'm going to be stuck with the idea 


            Lmaoo its okay! I get it! I have so many drafts of random crap I want to eventually publish but I'm working on a bnha book soo I cant really get to those. It just means you have a lot of ideas lol 


@ItsTeaTimePeople sorry I'm a clown I didn't see this  
            But you're right it would be a lot so I just put two of my books on hold since I don't update them anymore 
            The Haikyuu book though,,,it's already in my drafts  so I'm big ol clown I'm the dang circus lmaooo


            I would definitely read it if you did, but don't you have other books to finish? I would be to o lazy to update that many 
            But yEe its a good idea if you think you can do it