
Hey Taze!
          Have you ever read a psychological thriller that begins with an uncle who decides to he wants his nephew dead? 
          If that plot sounds even a little interesting, I kindly ask that you give my story ”Evaughn” a try. It has romance, murder, moral conflict, and more.
          So far, I have 37 chapters written (almost finished), and like many of my readers, I think you’ll really enjoy the read. I also encourage feedback and tips on improvement! 
          Thank you in advance : )


Hello! Sorry for popping up like this but if you're interested in paranormal mystery romance books then I've got one for you!
          Try 'Soulmate' a complete Paranormal love story.

          And I also have completed Teen Fiction books. If you're interested try them too! I hope you'll like them! 
          Ciao ❤ (≧▽≦)


@TazeArus *Fingers crossed* Hope you'll like this one too! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤


@SnowWhite1309 That's okay1 I actually love mystery romances. Thank you!