
Hi folks! I know I haven't written in a while, but I wanted to let you know that there should be more chapters of 'Leap' up soon. Thank you all so much for your continuous support -- I love reading all of the comments! ~ TayTayBroadway


Hi i love your books!


@TayTayBroadway omg it’s okay lol. Usually people don’t respond so it’s finee


@ChristineDaae2727 Hi there! Apologies that it took me a little while to respond to this, but thank you so much!


Hey everyone, just wanted to stop by and say thank you so much for all of the continued support on my stories, and especially on Jump. I really do appreciate it! I've been considering writing some more one shots (or maybe a sequel...?) but I just wanted to say thank you for now! :)


@Thirdengine Aw, thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind words and I'm so glad that you enjoyed Jump! I will be working more on the sequel :-)


@TayTayBroadway I loved Jump! You're awesome ☺️ I really hope you continue writing the sequel 


Hello again all! I have, as you may have noticed, published both the Kleinsen and ConnorxEvan books! Please feel free to comment requests for either, along with continuing to comment requests on Evan and Zoe Forever! Have a great rest of your day/noon/evening/night!


Hello wonderful people! First of all, thank you SO much for 312 followers! That blows my mind, I truly hope you are enjoying my works. Secondly, I was thinking of starting two other one shot books: one for ConnorxEvan and one for Kleinsan (JaredxEvan), to go with the ZoexEvan book - all of which I will update regularly. Thoughts? Once again, thank you all for being such amazing followers! xx