
They all said 
          	go and look for a love
          	It’ll be awesome 
          	But when you find it
          	You start answering yourself 
          	How they could consider it that way 
          	If you can see only pain 
          	Only complications 
          	Only unrequited feelings. 
          	And I know that real love is a real fight.
          	But when you start to fight alone...
          	Is it really worth it? 
          	Cries, cramps, tears. 
          	Months of mental breakdowns, for what? 
          	For someone whose cramps are for laughting? 
          	Who doesn’t care? 
          	I believed in love, I really did. 
          	But now? 
          	Now I don’t know anymore. 


ciao a tutti,sto provando a scrivere un'altro libro,una storia d'amore,probabilmente uno dei soliti cliché drammatici,spero che qualcuno passi a dare un'occhiata al primo capitolo,ci tengo molto perché voglio mettere me stessa in questa storia<3
          nel caso passiate fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate vi prego


They all said 
          go and look for a love
          It’ll be awesome 
          But when you find it
          You start answering yourself 
          How they could consider it that way 
          If you can see only pain 
          Only complications 
          Only unrequited feelings. 
          And I know that real love is a real fight.
          But when you start to fight alone...
          Is it really worth it? 
          Cries, cramps, tears. 
          Months of mental breakdowns, for what? 
          For someone whose cramps are for laughting? 
          Who doesn’t care? 
          I believed in love, I really did. 
          But now? 
          Now I don’t know anymore. 


Hey ciao!
          Scusa la spam. Volevo invitarti a leggere la mia nuova storia 'Everything is nothing': ha solamente quattro capitoli e mi farebbe molto piacere sapere cosa ne pensi. 
          Ovviamente ricambio e accetto pareri e critiche costruttive!