
this message may be offensive
@-DEVILTENNIS Sora I hate you! I was actually about to ask you back out again because I was feeling wrong about breaking up with your but instead I'm going to say is fuck you.
          	You're a horrible person and you fucking cry when you dont get your way and you think deleting people's comment will make you a better person well guess what its not.
          	I'm giving our conversation to Nana so she can post it on her book so people can see how you really act


this message may be offensive
@-DEVILTENNIS Sora I hate you! I was actually about to ask you back out again because I was feeling wrong about breaking up with your but instead I'm going to say is fuck you.
          You're a horrible person and you fucking cry when you dont get your way and you think deleting people's comment will make you a better person well guess what its not.
          I'm giving our conversation to Nana so she can post it on her book so people can see how you really act