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Wtf lmao


Hi! Whatever your GCSE results are I just want to say you've done well. I know GCSEs can be a long slog and honestly that fact that you just made it to results day is an achievement. This is what I wish to tell you: your results are not EVERYTHING. Just because it went wrong on results day, it doesn't mean it's the end of the world. You always have an option. An uneducated person can become a millionaire at the age of 21 while a well educated person can spend the next 6 years after finishing their degree to find a job. Don't be afraid of the future and don't shy away from your past since it's a lesson but focus on what you truly want to do. You don't know? Well you just answered your own question- find it. Experiment with your life, try to do new things. The results day is literally an assessment of you against the students of the entire country on how well you performed in the country's education system. In short term, how good of a test taker you are. Just because you feel like you've failed on the test doesn't mean you've failed at life. In fact, the meaning of success isn't defined by education but by YOU. Rejection is just another redirection. Basically, don't hold yourself down in the dumps for long. Like RMs Moonchild lyrics:"It's okay to shed some tears but don't tear yourself". Make sure you get back up and face life. You can do this. I hope this helps you in any sort of way. This is coming from a person who just finished A levels and sorry for making the post long. Anyway, I wish you the best ARMY and I shall always look out for your works


Aww thank you so much! This is so heartwarming I have lots of love for you though I don’t know you but I really appreciate this omg❤️ You just made my day tbh and yes I will listen to RM  But thank you so much. Everyone is disappointed in me and I got called Dumb at home but it’s ok x


Also I purple you :)


Author can you make a new story of forced marriage to my bully , (shy smiling) you know like about their flashback when they are studying pleasee i'm begging you cuz forced marriage to my bully is such a beautiful storyy pleaseeeeee
          And i don't mind or care if you will update slowy cuz the more important is you make a story 