
I honestly miss updating my junkook fanfic. I wish I didn’t have so much on my plate maybe this weekend I’ll update it or write a few chapters before publishing them


@TaeHyungWaifu maybe you can update me on how you're doing. :>


I'll update tomorrow when I wake up to people singing Happy Birthday. So Bye for now unless I update later tonight after playing some video games. Oh did anyone know NCT Haechan and I share a birthday together. Its so cute but I'm about to be an adult.


Just wanted you guys to know I will not be updating til' I get a new phone since mine is broken along with me having to send and save phone numbers to remember. Please understand having a sh## load of assignments and along with alot of preparing for my graduation within two weeks. 
          Once I get a new phone I'll update as much but for now I will just edit some of my books and write some chapters for my novel, " What You Mean To Me" . I love you all for reading my books and supporting me.


*rolls in and leaves flowers* 
          hehe  for you. 
          *Rolls away*


            *Pats your back*
            It's okay love. Stop crying.~ *pinches your cheek*


            I'm sorry I'm not on my amino account...*hiccups* I was busy
            *coninues c


            My love I missed ya so much!
            *Hugs back tightly and cries with you*


Sorry reader for updating so late and toooooo....etc long. I've been really busy plus I want to update after discovering I will be graduating soon. But either way I didn't want you to wait long enough plus I will fix my typos later. Anyway I love you all!