
it took a few min but I finally finished act one of the second installment of Phantom. Def is the deepest and most emotional chapter yet without a doubt... I'd say it gets better but... It's not looking the best for our dynamic duo


it took a few min but I finally finished act one of the second installment of Phantom. Def is the deepest and most emotional chapter yet without a doubt... I'd say it gets better but... It's not looking the best for our dynamic duo


Finally, it's time to bring back the action! After a long bit of stage setting (which will be worth it later down the line), We will finally start diving into some climactic stuff :D. I'm taking much more time to edit my work, as well as reach a higher word goal which will provide more content this time around so I think it's going to be great.
          An update on "The Seven Seats": I plan to keep it entirely hidden until 100% completed so it will be a while but I can say that the book will have a subtle important plot. Originally it was going to be a heavy description of the characters of the syndicate however a much more interesting and open-ended idea came to mind that will allow me to link it into a future book's lore. I can't wait to start working on that project.


Fun Fact: Almost all of the chapters of the Phantom books are based on my favorite media (movies, shows, lines, games, etc) and songs. "Heartaches by the number" being one of the most obvious examples.
          Anyways. Surprisingly I am over halfway done making all the corrections I want to make on book 1, let me tell you; I would be feeling like such a fool if someone ended up catching some of them...


oh! I should add. Specifically Guy Mitchell's version of the song if anyone is interested :D


Starting to make some crucial edits and polishes to the first book. I am probably gonna keep its scuffed formatting as to change that I would have to go through so much. (the second book is much more polished and formatted) 
          I am mainly focused on correcting major typos and mistakes as well as fixing some of the wording. It will take a bit to get through each chapter so if anything ends up being confusing, I can clarify :) 
          for some reason while editing last night, it dawned on me that I typed almost all of act 1 with my phone which would explain why the most issues reside there.


@TMIKstudios I'm still chuckling over the typo I never got to see


I'm just going to say this now, assuming anyone who finishes book 1 goes into book 2, I just want to say that if you were looking for the same fast paced action every few chapters; be ready to be disappointed (at least for the start). The book especially during the first few (over a few) chapters will be a lot more about diving into relationships between characters and getting a small development on some of the new ones who will be appearing as well as expanding on the existing characters. 
          Personally, I think this is for the better but I figured I would create some form of warning on the off chance it was an offending change.


I have made the decision that I would prepare and layout a roadmap as too what the plans are for future creations.
          The next book I plan to finish will be Book 2 of Phantom, the first 3 chapters are already out and I plan to continue daily if I am able. Along side it (likely very soon after its completion) I will fully publicize the darker book I mentioned which I can confirm will be called "The Seven Seats".
          After those 2 are completed, obviously a 3rd installment will be created, you just can't stop at 2 ;). These books will not only continue the storyline of The Phantom but will also connect directly to side by side and future creations, introducing characters that will become very important sooner or later. 
          As I know people are still reading book one, I will say the rest cryptically. 
          -a book about the color? -yes, soon
          -a short story about "The Phantom" - maybe?
          as for any other things, I will keep them to myself for the next while until I am for sure that I want to take the path.


on the note of creating the theme, I will need to find some optimal examples. While on the face it would dark-seeming, there should be much more to the piece, a sense of mysteries, maybe some small climaxes into slow fades(wow I'm really just summarizing edm)


The first two chapters to book 2 have been completed. I plan to finish the 3rd chapter later today before make the book public. Hope the first book is everything everyone wanted and that the finale really makes you want to pick up the next.
          As for the side story revolving around the highchair members , I am going to delay all work on that and won't actually release it until its fully completed as I don't want to be actively updating both pieces. Anyways, have a nice day :)


Happy February everyone! Although the following I have is very small, I have decided I would draft out some monthly updates on future projects in the chance anyone is curious. I hope everyone is enjoying book 1 of Phantom, I still can't believe I managed to finish it being the procrastinate person I am.
          I would like to have the first chapters to Book 2 released very very soon, I am mainly just going over it all and assuring its an improvement from the first book. It without a doubt seems like it. As for the other dark project I mentioned...
          Alongside Phantom: The Syndicate will be a dark, more villainous book about the highchair members. There are 7 in total to be explored hence why said it would be small but it will give insight on what is to come. It's more of an optional read that will provide added depth to the already established plotline. 
          Anyways I have gone on enough. Have a great day everyone!