Hello poets! We will be launching our next awards in the month of July. It won't be like last year's, however. Can you try and guess its concept?
          	We'll start the pre-selection of judges soon. Stay tuned!


We are thinking of re-opening our review shop! What do you guys think?


@THE-POETS-CLUB yes go for it. i'm in for it.


@THE-POETS-CLUB i would totally get on that!


WINNERS FOR TPC'S ANNUAL AWARDS are now revealed! We will publish the magazine chapters in a day's time. They contain a little surprise for the winners that we haven't mentioned in our list of prizes so stay tuned! All the best to all the winners and a big thanks to all the judges. 
          Congratulations to the winners!


LAST DAY TO HAND IN YOUR SCORES, judges! Tomorrow at 12pm IST, we will be closing the judging period. Those who haven't handed in their scores will lose their perks as a judge and we have already delivered warning notes to everyone. We want to follow a strict schedule and we have asked every single one of you to time and again if there are any hiccups in your schedule. Since we received an affirmative from every judge, we decided to stick with the schedule. Please don't be the reason for changes in schedule. 
          The hosts,
          @procrastinity & @persenthe.
          The judges:
          @angelblood @luc1ole @chaelattae @jeonfic @novagguk @penbangtan @itsnotutopia @ChimmyxTaeddy


RESULTS for the MINI CONTEST are out! Check out the latest chapter to know who won. We have also published the magazine for the awards, which for now, contains the entries of the winners. It will also contain the winners of the entire awards in the near future!


A humble request to avoid changing your usernames and book names and if you do, do let us know the sooner you can. If you are going to delete your account on Wattpad, send us a message before doing so to avoid confusion. It would reduce our burden a lot.


@-chingu thank you for telling us, nevertheless