
If any of my followers can see this, would you all be interested in an ABDL Story, or should I stick to my usual regression. The ABDL story would deal with adults or teens in diapers, and may include mental regression and all that fun stuff 


If any of my followers can see this, would you all be interested in an ABDL Story, or should I stick to my usual regression. The ABDL story would deal with adults or teens in diapers, and may include mental regression and all that fun stuff 


Does anyone want me to continue making my age regression stories and roleplay plots? I enjoy making them but I won’t waste my time if no one else enjoys them


@TFHypnoFanatic okay in the end it's totally up to you and I respect whatever decision you make


@Nachoranger I’ll think about it


@TFHypnoFanatic yeah I enjoy them they're really good would love to see more


Hey guys, I’m here to say that I will no longer be using this account, I have thought long and hard about this, you are still free to use my story ideas as you wish but I won’t be adding more, also @writerkif which is my main account won’t be accepting any dms for people who wish to roleplay, I’m stopping it all