
Hello, I know you are going to say no, but I will not lose the attempt but would you let me translate your stories. Clearly I would give you the credits.


@TD23AO3  I hope people can respect that for the time being.


@NaughtyDog6000 You are correct. It is of course a worry that people would just steal my work. In addition to that being illegal (copyright violation) it would also be a dick move - I can only hope that people won't do that without my permission and proper creditation/citation.
            I also have my official profiles all linked on my Patreon so potential readers can see who I am and who I am not.
            The idea of having the translated version on my account is certainly better. I might be open to something like that in the future - anyone interested in this can and SHOULD of course ask me first. At the moment though, while the thought is kind of cool, I am just worried about the idea because it is my work that I have put so much time and effort in, and then I won't be able to read that translated version. Anything, potentially problematic or offensive things could be in there.


Another solution although idk if they would be open to it, would be for you to have the translated version on your account with them being credited/ sending you the translations and working with you on the chapters as they release.
            That way you retain ultimate control and they get the ability to give feedback on early drafts / things etc 