
Hi Sol. I know writers don't owe their readers anything, especially when they're posting their work on a free website, but please please finished the Love Bugged trilogy. I've purchased your works on kindle and I have been waiting for years for the final book. I love your writing and you write the most amazing, gut wrenching endings.  You have an amazing talent to captivate your readers.
          Love Bugged was posted on soompi in 2011 and now it's almost 2021. I've been waiting nearly a decade for the completion of the series. Please don't leave us hanging. I just wanna know what happens to TamHee and Ven.


I used to spend nights reading your stories on Soompi, and it’s refreshing to read them again as I feel that I’m jumping back on old memory lane. I can’t believe it’s been over a decade since then. Just thought I should reach out and let you know, and I went ahead and purchased both series of April Loves Black Coffee last night since CBU has been my all-time favorite reads (and to support you). Also the time you’ve spent to re-write and improve CBU to publish as a book is very appreciated since I feel that I am reading a new story in depth that doesn’t entirely change the entire plot of the original works. Thank you for sharing your stories with us throughout all these years and I look forward to re-reading your stories and any future stories that you publish soon. 


**Also, I created a Wattpad account just to read your stories. Please update soon! 


Hi ! I've been a reader since Soompi days when i first read Conversations Between Us I was immediately hooked honestly it still is one of the best books I have read to date. I decided to re-read it recently for the third time as i couldn't get it out of my head. Still as good the third time around. I then read all your other books and purchased Love Conquered on Kindle. Please please post the third book of the trilogy I will be waiting patiently for you to return to Wattpad. 
          Hope you are doing well :)


Hi, sol! Been your fan since Conversations Between Us. And I am so happy you are now in wattpad where we can easily reach your other stories. Im done with Banana Pancakes and as always, you made me teary eyed. (Dragoooon!). 
          I am waiting for your update in Love Conquered. Please :)


Sol! I was listening to Spotify the other day and Danity Kane - Ride for You started to play and I got really nostalgic. I remember when I first got into Conversations Between Us on Soompi  all those years ago, you had it as a recommended song or a "sounds like" and I would listen to it on repeat while I read the story (even after the many re-reads, I've lost count lol). Now whenever I hear it, CBU & you are the first thing I think about. 
          So after I heard the song on Spotify it made me want to pick up my April Loves Black Coffee books and re-read them all over again and see what you've been up to or if there were any updates on new stories. To my surprise I saw that you created a Wattpad account!
          I've always been a silent reader on Soompi, but once I saw your post I just had to make a Wattpad account to tell you that I am so happy and excited that you are still around and writing! I just wanted to let you know that CBU is one of the most memorable stories in my life and a story I keep near and dear to my heart. It pops into my head every now and again and it was a big part of my memories growing up. 
          I'm so glad you have decided to continue and share your stories with us. Thank you for creating these stories and characters! I'll always continue to read and support you :)
          April Loves Black Coffee <3


@L0VESiK Thank you so much for the kind, sweet, and meaningful message. It definitely brought me back to those years when I was writing CBU where certain songs just elevated the storyline. I'm so glad and grateful that you've continued to remember the story, after all these years, and that you're now supporting me on Wattpad. It means a lot to me; your message warmed my writer's heart in more ways than you can imagine! I look forward to sharing my stories and future writings with readers like you, so thank you so much for the timeless following and support <333


Unfortunately having a hard time buying from Amazon to get physical copies of your books. Huhuhu. USA to Philippines shipping issues 
          But hey, I've supported these stories since Soompi and I will not quit on them. I will definitely get physical copies one day.
          Keep writing! Much love 


@kodomoppoi  I've also had readers order through their local bookstore (instead of online), and they were able to get the hardcopies that way.


@kodomoppoi  Thank you so much for the thoughtful support! I wish there was an easier way for you to purchase the physical copies; however, I appreciate your following since Soompi days. It means a lot. In the meantime, thank you so much for re-reading <3


Added all the books to my reading list even though I already purchased all of them on my Amazon Kindle. I am so excited for this because you are active on another platform and we are getting closer to finishing Book 3 of the Love Bugged series. 


@Sakura1395 Thank you so much for the kind support in purchasing the stories on Kindle, and now you're on Wattpad with me too <3 I hope you know it means the world to me to have your timeless and unconditional support. It's readers like you who continue to inspire me to share my stories. I look forward to sharing Love Lost with you =] Thank you so much!