Watched Helluva Boss latest episode and Spoilers if any of you haven't seen it.  
          	All I have to say was it was good. The jokes, the action. And even the artstyle Vivzi does also improved. (Not to say I didn't love her artstyle, I just saw the difference) 
          	But the one thing that made me mad was Blitz. He was doing well but fumbled so hard.  
          	Also I'm pretty sure agent 1 was looking for an excuse to put on the Loona costume.  


Watched Helluva Boss latest episode and Spoilers if any of you haven't seen it.  
          All I have to say was it was good. The jokes, the action. And even the artstyle Vivzi does also improved. (Not to say I didn't love her artstyle, I just saw the difference) 
          But the one thing that made me mad was Blitz. He was doing well but fumbled so hard.  
          Also I'm pretty sure agent 1 was looking for an excuse to put on the Loona costume.  


I was thinking what if I did another book of Hazbin. From my one-shot and make it a story. 
          Would you all like that or just leave it as a one-shot.
          For context it was the one with Fem Valentino and Fem Alastor. 


Also forgot to ask if any of you would be interested in a fallout story as well? 


          Good people of Wattpad, please spread the word so that many of your favorite authors won't lose any stories you haven't finished or enjoy re-reading, I got this site from FearMaster one of the people I follow and it would mean a lot if you all could help.  


Just made  a new chapter to OUR SHY BOY~ , please go check it out. The mk9 story is on its way. But a really quick question. I want to know if I should do like d and d or medieval if you would call it that, story. Because the things I wrote down in my journal sounds good to publish, but let me know what you all think please.