
The Narnia Fanfic you've all been waiting for is finally here. 


Can I ask you something? Have you ever had one of those days where you had delayed notifications for this app on one of your devices?! That's what's been going on with me. I hope you've got a solution on how to solve this problem permanently. I got off lucky last time and only uninstalled and reinstalled the app. 


Thanks. Good day to you as well. I might suggest checking in for wattpad updates of its system since that might be the problem for you which is why you always uninstall and install again cause that would install also wattpad's updated version.


Good thing I tested it out and it seemed to work. Guess I just had to wait and see. I hope to see more notifications from others. Good day to you. And I'll be waiting for the latest update on your Godzilla story.


@Cragadile it's fine with me so long as you can read the updated stories you want to read in wattpad. Also,I mostly blame it on signal cause the pa's few months I've been temporarily living in a place with less signal and it sometimes makes me question if I did manage to publish it or not.


Hai! is there a sequel in jurassic world alpha dna by any chance I really love it! 


@Yayaelementalmaster yes there is. It's in another website. 


I'll have to check out your latest chapter for your Godzilla story in the morning. I did not realize you updated recently. I didn't see any notification for it. I also have to check out an Escape Room Center or any amusement park for the winter.


Hey, no problem. Whatever I'll be doing, I hope it'll be worth the wait.


@Cragadile I was wondering where you went. I wish you a wonderful Christmas.


You must excuse some of the naysayers on my comments, they don't know that I'm just speaking my mind here and not spoiling. It's true I have seen the episodes, but I only do my best to only bring out hints instead of spoilers. 


@Cragadile I don't mind any readers speaking their minds so long as it is not too hurtful for other readers and the authors themselves. 