
What stories do you all want updated! Behind The Hood: The Tale Begins will be updated soon with a bunch of chapters!


I was hoping you could help me with a story that I have been working on since late middle School? Up until now I've had a Extremely Ultimate Grande sized batch of Mega Writer's block With my own Story called A KNIGHTMARE TO Remember.
          I am hoping that you can help guide me Step by Step on how to make the story with the Episode so that I can see what else I can add to my story when I start writing it again! Oh and Incase what I have written so far go to board then scroll down to where you see a message board that's called Writer's workshop click on that and when it finishes loading scroll down the page until you find one that says A KNIGHTMARE TO Remember by linda if it's not on the first page then flip through the pages until you find it then click on it and and read what I wrote so far and I am desperate for review but don't comment in the story there is a review thread that founder made for reviews.  
          Hopefully your soon to be student on Episode,
                            LilithMaleficent (LilMal)
          P.S. If you find a girl on there named CoolPaige give her my Email address which is and when you do Say to her Oh great Moderator Lady CoolPaige I come bearing a message from the one who calls you Nitra the great guru of Fanfiction. Say she asks that you comun with her through Email because she needs your help with a story that someone asked her to help them with and the part of the chapter that she has so far needs your great guruness' magical analysing touch please speak to her help her Obi wan CoolPaige you are her only hope!