
This week, The Serpent's Chains passed 10k views. I know there are a lot of stories on Wattpad with much higher view counts but I just want to say how HAPPY and EXCITED I am by the response. 
          	10k is more than I ever thought I'd get and I am so grateful to my readers; those who gave it a shot, those who stuck with it, and every new and potential reader coming on. 
          	Thank you all for your overwhelming support!! I've got plenty more story to tell and I can't wait to share it with you ❤


This week, The Serpent's Chains passed 10k views. I know there are a lot of stories on Wattpad with much higher view counts but I just want to say how HAPPY and EXCITED I am by the response. 
          10k is more than I ever thought I'd get and I am so grateful to my readers; those who gave it a shot, those who stuck with it, and every new and potential reader coming on. 
          Thank you all for your overwhelming support!! I've got plenty more story to tell and I can't wait to share it with you ❤


The Serpeent's Chains Chapter 33 is up now and ready for you! 
          Thank you all so much for your support and feedback. It makes me so happy to have such a great response to my story so far and I'm so glad it is finding the right audience. <3


Another chapter for The Serpent's Chains has posted, just in time for the weekend. 
          I'm toying with some new ideas for projects I'd like to get started on but would love some feedback. Do you all prefer stand alone titles or do you like book series?


Big update everyone! My serial novel, Second Chance Mate to the Shadowmoon Boss is finished! All chapters are being uploaded to their platforms. 
          I've already started working on the next serial novel I'll be publishing. It's going to be a vampire story. I've already begun outlining it and hopefully, will have chapters ready to post next month. It will be available on the same platforms as my other serial novels.


It is Friday and the weather is finally going to be warm and rain free this weekend. I'm looking forward to getting out into the yard and cleaning up my gardens. 
          For anyone stuck inside this weekend, another The Sepernt's Chains chapter is ready and uploaded! Enjoy. 
          Things in the royal family are getting intense. 


Hello, hello my friendly readers. I haven't had power or internet for the past 2 days due to a massive snowstorm. So much fun. I couldn't let you all down, though, and I made sure to get a chapter of The Serpent's Chains posted beforehand.
          Happy reading, and thank you all for your continued support.