
So... Alright, yes, I took down ABWW. Why? Because I totally changed it when I restarted. It now has a different name and-- yeah. So, I'm gonna work to get more done and be the author y'all all deserve and THEN I'll give you the new and improved end result. Don't worry, it'll take a shorter amount of time then you're thinking it will... this thing is pouring out of me. Or, ya know... flying *winks* 
          	... ok, I'm sorry, but you should have seen it coming XD
          	Alright, I love y'all! I'll see ya when I see ya!
          	-S. B. Lewis


@SylvBLew4 Hey, it looks like your pretty popular here. You deserve it m8


Thanks for checking out "Candy Gram"! I hope you enjoyed it! <3


@SylvBLew4 I ONLY JUST SAW THIS NOW! Good thing I came to follow you, lmao. And, gahhh, thank you! That's actually HELLA high praise omg. ❤


Omg yes I LOVED it! I don’t usually comment a lot of things, especially if I REALLY like it cause I treat it like a real book that I can’t comment on lol but it was so good! 


So... Alright, yes, I took down ABWW. Why? Because I totally changed it when I restarted. It now has a different name and-- yeah. So, I'm gonna work to get more done and be the author y'all all deserve and THEN I'll give you the new and improved end result. Don't worry, it'll take a shorter amount of time then you're thinking it will... this thing is pouring out of me. Or, ya know... flying *winks* 
          ... ok, I'm sorry, but you should have seen it coming XD
          Alright, I love y'all! I'll see ya when I see ya!
          -S. B. Lewis


@SylvBLew4 Hey, it looks like your pretty popular here. You deserve it m8


Heyo! So......Yeah. Probably no one is gonna read this.... if someone does, then......I'll change what this says. As you can probably tell, I don't have a lot of confidence..... and I don't what a ego...... XD 
          Post this on your profile if you smile every time someone says the word "dam"
          Post this on your profile if you curse with the names of the gods.
          92% of the teenage population would be dead if 1D decided breathing wasn't cool. (RePost this if you're that 8% laughing at this.)
          The girl you just called fat? She is over dosing on diet pills. The girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting make-up on hoping people will like her. The boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. See that man with the ugly scars? He fought for his country. That guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying.  Put this as your profile if you're against bullying. I bet 99% of you wont put this on your profile, but I'm sure the people with a heart and backbone will.
                   - @Ashes2ashes15, thank you for this inspiring speech! 


I just copied and pasted from @Ashes2ashes15 's profile. 


            How do you post ths?!!? 